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Concentrated Code Tincture (2 oz.)
Homeopathic target sarcode combination to relieve symptoms associated with systemic weakness.
Adapto Code is a thoughtfully crafted homeopathic combination formula of low potentized sarcodes, adaptogenic botanicals, emotional flowers, minerals, and vitamins conscientiously prepared to provide a powerful, stabilizing and innervating remedy.
Unlike allopathic drugs which carry with them the possibility of side effects, adaptogens benefit the body without disturbing or doing it harm. Very few plants possess adaptogenic properties. It is estimated that only one in 4,000 plants qualify as adaptogens.
Qualities of an adaptogen:
- Non-toxic, non-habit forming and requires no prescription.
- Aids in normalization of body chemistries.
- Increases the body’s ability to cope with physical and emotional stress, stress related imbalances and environmental pollution.
- Works in a synergistic manner, increasing the body's ability to fight off illness before it sets in, in direct contrast to modern drugs which attack 'specific' disease symptoms after you are thoroughly sick.
- Works not only when first ingested, but for a sustained period of time and becomes increasingly active the more the body needs it.